RBL GRL | Revolution Doesn’t Ask Permission

A Soft Person Impersonating a Hard Stone, by Jillian Marie Browning










RBL GRL | Revolution Doesn’t Ask Permission presents the work of 19 artists who challenge limitations, assumptions and the status quo.

Thomas Center Gallery | February 7 – June 27, 2020

Gallery opening Friday, February 7, from  5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Historic Thomas Center, music by Baer & the Lady

Featured artists
Carrie Ann Baade, Dessarae Bassil, Jillian Marie Browning, Angela DeCarlis, Lorelei Esser, Karen Glaser, Valerie Goodwin, Lisa Iglesias, Kylee Jo, GV Kelley, Ellen Knudson, Ye Ma, Emily Martin, Nico Mazza, Julia Morrisroe, Sandra Ramos, Marina Sachs, Ashley Taylor, and Madeleine Wagner. Curated by Anne E. Gilroy.

The exhibition honors the 72-year battle for women’s right to vote and the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment granting it.

Free and open to public.

Suffrage for women was not realized through polite request, but by a revolution of protest and civil disobedience. The suffragettes were demanding, disruptive, law-breaking rebels. They sacrificed and suffered. They were arrested, force-fed and beaten. Yet, it was their persistence and courage that pushed rights for women forward.

(The 19th Amendment did not fully enfranchise African American, Asian American, Hispanic American or Native American women.)

Likewise, the artists of RBL GRL break ground, break rules, ask questions and defy the gravity of certitude.

In a nod to the rebels of yesterday, RBL GRL | Revolution Doesn’t Ask Permission salutes the artist rebels of today.

Content notice: When art is doing its job, it can push boundaries. The images, depictions of the human body, and themes in this exhibition may not be suitable for all audiences.

The title of RBL GRL is an ode to the 1993 tune, “Rebel Girl,” by Bikini Kill, one of the punk rock bands of the “riot grrrl” movement that “kick down norms to make space for new ideas.” [NPR Music critic, Ann Powers]

The newly-released, featured typeface is Greta Thunberg Grotesk, taken from Thunberg’s handwriting that she used for her climate change protest posters.
The logo design incorporates a detail of the face of musician and actor Janelle Monáe.

Further Reading: Visit the National Women’s History Museum website to learn more about this amendment and its history.